
19 Responses to “news”

  1. you are listening
    for my heart, curious
    as to how
    it has wandered
    so far without
    straying, studying
    it with your
    heart, calibrating
    the moments in
    between to
    better gauge
    this very
    second, this
    minute, a
    validation for
    the unknown

  2. Hey there… guess what??

    A new award for my blog…

    That’s right, I just nominated your blog.You deserve it. Congrats.
    Let me know what will your answers to my questions in the end will be 🙂

  3. Hey, is that “Mom”? If so, Hello Gorgeous!

  4. This captures the essence of being – great picture, I love it! Well done…

  5. I love these types of photos! Do you get permission and signatures for street photography, or do your subjects know you? I always wonder about this, because it seems like such a sticky wicket.

  6. ha! can you post the link?

  7. […] news « yi-ching lin photography […]

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